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~ ~[1]Caves,R.E.(1982), `Multinational Enterprise and Economic Analysis', Cambridge University Press

[2]Dunning, John(1985)eds., `Multinational Enterprises, Economic Structure and International Competitiveness', John Wiley ¡õ Sons.

[3]Dunning, John(1988), `The Eclectic Paradigm of International Production: A Restatement and Some Possible Extensions', Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.19, No.1(spring)

[4]Froot,K.(1993), `Foreign Direct Investment', The University of Chicago Press

[5]Gould, J.P.(1968), `Adjustment Costs in the Theory of Investment of the Firm', Review of Economic Studies, vol.35, pp.47-55

[6]Graham, E. and Krugman, Paul(1995), `Foreign Direct Investment in the United States(3rd Edition)', Institute for International Economics.

[7]Helleiner,G.K.(1989), `Transnational Corporations and Direct Foreign Investment', in H.Chenery and T.N. Srinivasan(eds.), Handbook of Development Economics,vol.2, chap.27, North-Holland

[8]Lucas, R.E.,Jr.(1967), `Adjustment Costs and the Theory of Supply', Journal of Political Economy, vol.75, pp.321-334

[9]Sazanami,Yoko(1992), `Determinants of Japanese Foreign Direct Investment-Locational Attractiveness of European Countries to Japanese Multinationals', Revue Economique(Spring Issue), May

[10]Treadway,A.B.(1969), `On Rational Entrepreneurial Behavior and the Demand for Investment', Review of Economic Studies, vol.36, pp.227-239

[11] Wakasugi, Ryuhei(1994), `Is Japanese foreign direct investment a substitute for unternational trade?' , Japan and the World Economy,Vol.6, pp.45-52

[12] Yanagawa, Noriyuki(1994), `Direct Investment versus Licensing: An incomplete contract approach', Japan and the World Economy, vol.6, pp.217-231

[13]Yoshikawa, Hiroshi(1995), `Macroeconomics And The Japanese Economy', Oxford University Press

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Hidefumi Watanabe
Tue Apr 30 14:04:01 JST 1996