Estimating Host Firms' Capital Stock

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Estimating Host Firms' Capital Stock

Since the data of foreign capital stock is not available statistically, it is built in the following way called a perpetual inventory method(PI-method). In this method, host firms' aggregated capital stock at each time () is assumed to be the discounted accumulation of FDI flows. That is:

where is host firms' aggregated capital stock at time t, is a real(deflated) FDI flow at time t, is a capital retirement(depreciation) rate, is an expected lifetime of capital(asset).

The retirement(depreciation) rate of capital(¦Ä) is estimated in the following way.

where is an expected lifetime of capital(asset).

Due to (A5), data of yen-evaluated FDIs are used in (5-3-1).

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Hidefumi Watanabe
Tue Apr 30 14:04:01 JST 1996